Virtual Tour of St. Benedict Church
I am excited to inform you that we now have a virtual tour of the inside and outside of our Church available on our parish website. This initiative will enhance the visibility of our parish community beyond our immediate neighborhood to the global community. I thank our Stewardship and Engagement Coordinator, Maryola, for working tirelessly to make this possible. Please
visit and take a tour of our Church and give us your feedback.
Via Christi Society Mission Appeal
On behalf of our parish community, I welcome Fr. Clement Attah, VC to our parish community this weekend as he comes to facilitate the Mission Appeal for the Via Christi Society. For those who may be hearing this name for the first time, the Via Christi Society is the Religious Order that Fr. Augustine and I belong to. Fr. Clement is currently serving as a Formator in the Nazareth Seminary here in Phoenix. He will be celebrating all of the Masses this weekend to thank you for your current and continued support of the Via Christi Society.
With the permission of Bishop Dolan, once a year we will make an appeal to our parishioners for financial support for the Via Christi mission. The funds are used for the training of our Seminarians and basic operations of the Society. I thank those who supported us last year. My special thanks to those who set up a recurring online giving through Realm. May God continue to bless and provide for you as you support our missionary work.
Blessing of Animals
Today, October 4th is the memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, a day when many people traditionally have their pets blessed. St. John Bosco School community held their blessing of pets earlier in the day today. We will have the general blessing of pets for all parishioners tomorrow, Saturday, October 5th at 10am on the north side of the church. Please remember to have your pet in a travel carrier or on a leash.
Welcoming Sunday
Please join us for our monthly Welcoming Sunday after the 9am Mass this weekend where members of our parish community gather in the Narthex for fellowship and refreshments. I invite especially those who have recently joined our community to stop by and meet fellow parishioners.Welcoming Sunday gives us an opportunity to get to meet and know each other by name. Coffee, water and pastries will be provided.
October Devotion
Welcome to the month of October. In the Catholic Church, the month of October is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Month of the Rosary, commonly known as “October Devotion.” I encourage everyone to make an effort to pray the Rosary every day throughout the month of October. I also invite you to come join us for the Rosary daily before weekday Mass. The Rosary is led by our Parish Prayer Group at 7:30am (Mon-Thur) in the St. Benedict Chapel. You may also consider participating in the Annual Arizona Rosary Celebration on Sunday, October 27th from 2:00pm to 4:15pm at the Phoenix Convention Center led by Bishop John Dolan and Bishop Eduardo Nevares.
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