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Dear Lilies Parents and Families,
Lilies meets tonight Monday, January 27th. Our topic for the night is "The Hole in Your Heart." We are excited to see you! Please continue reading this email for more details on service opportunities and upcoming events.
We are selling pizzas to support Youth Ministry! This year, we will have PRIZES for how many pizzas teens can sell both as a group and individually! All teens are encouraged to ask their friends and families to purchase a pizza. Prizes are listed below. To place an order, go to smgonline.org/pizzas and share this link with all you know who love pizza! Make sure to have your buyer write down the teen that referred them. As a bonus, if middle school youth ministry sells 100 pizzas, they will receive a Chick-fil-A dinner at HOPE.
Need Service Hours? Please read below for two service hour opportunities! We need teens to help sell pizza in the back of church after all masses this weekend, February 1 & 2. Your job would be to greet parish members after they leave mass with a smile and ask if they might consider purchasing a pizza. You will have a clipboard and an order form to assist with taking orders (these orders would also add to your total for our Pizza Sales Competition). If interested, please respond to the poll below.
Come and help us make pizzas for our Superbowl Pizza Fundraiser on Friday, February 7th in the Parish Hall. Please see below for the schedule of the evening. Come when you can and lend a helping hand. No worries if you can't be there for the entire evening.
3:45 p.m. - Teen Drop off
4:00 p.m.- Unload the Pizza-mobile
4:30-6:00 p.m. - Make Pizzas
6:00 p.m.- Pizza Snack Break
6:15-7:30 p.m.- Parish Pizza Pick Up Time- Help deliver pizzas to cars
7:30 p.m. - Teen Pick Up
Please sign up here if you are willing to volunteer.
Today is the last day to register for our Tubing Trip on February 8th. We will be going to Valley's Edge in Ohio for snow tubing! We have limited spots for this trip, so be sure to sign up. You can sign up at smgonline.org/tubing.
As always, if your teen bring a new friend who has not been to Lilies yet, they both get a $5 gift card.
Make sure to follow our Instagram @smgyouthministry. You and your teens will win a prize from the prize bucket if they give it a follow!
Thank you for your cooperation and for the priority that you place on your children's faith! Be assured of my prayers for your teens and your families. Let's help our families and youth strive for sainthood!
Annaliese Budd
Coordinator of Junior High & High School Youth Ministry
Cell: 317-910-5822
Middle School Youth Ministry Calendar
Please continue reading for more details!
- January 27│Lilies @ 7:00-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- Topic: The Hole in Your Heart
- January 29│HOPE @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- Topic: How to Study Your Catholic Faith
- February 1 & 2│Youth Ministry Pizza Sales after all Masses (continue reading to sign up for service hours!)
- February 3│Lilies @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- February 5│HOPE @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- February 7│Youth Ministry Pizza Making Night (continue reading to sign up for service hours!)
- February 8│Grades 7-12 Tubing Trip @ 9:00am-6:30pm
- February 12│HOPE @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- Topic: Marian Apparitions
- February 17│Lilies @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- Topic: Friendship Killers
- February 19│HOPE @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- February 23-25│40 Hours
- February 26│HOPE @ 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- Topic: Mardi Gras Celebration!
- February 27│Ladies Candlelight Dinner
Middle School Youth Ministry News
French Catholic Youth Exchange
Calling all families with 8th-12 graders! We have an opportunity to bring French Catholic youths to your home for 3 weeks this summer. Requirements: A desire to be a host, bring your student to Sunday Mass while they are here, and create fun summer memories for 3 weeks with your family and friends. Flexible dates and lots of FUN! Interested? Check out our website and Youtube video and contact Maggie Hunckler, local Inspired Gateways Representative. www.inspiredgateways.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5dTlKS1HRE&t=38s
Today is the last day to register!