Marriage is a natural institution, which existed long before the Church. But the Church has made matrimony a sacrament, raising it to a higher level and stating that it is a “visible sign of an invisible grace.”
There’s not a finer metaphor for the love that God is than the love that married people have for each other. Each spouse makes a total gift of him or herself to the other, just as God is nothing but love.
As powerfully and completely as a married couple love one another, that’s a sign of how powerfully and completely Christ loves his mystical body, the Church.
That’s grace for everyone.
See how married couples demonstrate God’s love:
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• How does marriage illustrate the covenants between God and his people?
• Think of two or three biblical stories about marriage. How do these stories relate to God’s love for his people?
• Why is the sacrament of Matrimony most appropriately celebrated within the context of the Mass?
• Among the sacraments, what is altogether unique to marriage?
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